Call for Papers
Special Issue on
Japanese Financial Markets
Topics of Interest
The Journal of Financial Studies is issuing this special edition to promote understanding and comparative analysis of the Japanese financial markets, with the hope of gaining valuable insights from it. Over the past 20 years, Japan has undertaken numerous financial reforms, including strengthening corporate governance, promoting ESG initiatives, enacting the Stewardship Code, establishing new market segments, and reforming its stock exchanges, among others. These measures and their outcomes offer valuable lessons for the world to learn from.
This special issue encourages submissions related to topics including, but not limited to, the following.
- AI in Finance
- Asset Pricing
- Banking
- Behavioral Finance
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Governance
- Deregulation and Reform
- Derivative Markets
- Environmental Finance
- ETF Trading
- Financial Econometrics
- Financial Markets
- Financial Reporting
- Financial Regulations
- Financial Sustainability
- Funds Management
- Geopolitical Risk
- Investments
- Market Microstructure
- Monetary Policy
- Risk Management
- Sustainable and Climate risk
Guest Editors (by alphabet)
Yenn-Ru Chen National Chengchi UNiversity
Kentaro Iwatsubo Kobe University
Konari Uchida Waseda University
Manuscript Submission Information:
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2025
First Review Result: September 30, 2025
First Revision Due: December 31, 2025
Background of the Journal
Journal of Financial Studies (JFS) is the official publication of the Taiwan Finance Association (TFA). The Journal publishes important research across all the major fields of financial research and is indexed by the EconLit of the American Economic Association (AEA) and the Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI) of the National Science and Technology Council.
Paper Submission
Interested contributors are highly encouraged to submit manuscripts/ papers in either English or Chinese (after accepted for publication, Chinese manuscripts/papers must be translated into English) via by June 30, 2025. Please select the section “2025 Japanese Financial Markets” during submission.
Each submission is required to include a comprehensive paper comprising a title page, abstract, and keywords, with no acknowledgements, footnotes or any other information identifying the authors.
Publication Fee
After the paper is accepted, there is a fee of NT$5,000 (only NT$3,000 for members of the Taiwan Finance Association) payable to the Taiwan Finance Association.
DOI® Number
Each paper published in the JFS is assigned a DOI® number, which appears at the bottom of the title page in the published paper.
2024 Call for Papers: Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)